Thursday, January 15, 2009


Well,well, here we are already! The start of a new year, full of hope, surrounded by sadness. What's on deck for 2009? Lots of things of course, but what can I stay committed to this year?

A. Finish all of those unfinished quilts!
B. Start and finish that list of 13 projects I wanted to do in 2008!
C. Ladies of the Sea, Blue Willow and Bird BOM!
D. Commit to praying the rosary more.
E. Stay positive about Dad.

You'll notice that blogging regularly isn't on the list...but I've had this on my list for the last three years and nothing, so maybe this year will be different. Oh yeah, and losing 15lbs is not on the list this year either.

I'm hopeful surrounded by sadness.